The Future of Human and Artificial Intelligence and Communication

FORMWELT is here and today to language and information technology what 2.000 years ago Euclid’s Elements were to geometry in particular and to mathematics in general, with the difference that Euclid can be modelled in FORMWELT and would occupy only a small niche therein.

FORMWELT is a coding language for language and meaning. It is a linguistic system based on injunction to acquire definition. Its kernel consists of about 320 references: you might think of them as words with concrete meaning which explain each other without any gaps that could hinder the flow of information and construction of precise sense. The kernel is semantically self-sufficient. It contains the basic concepts which are needed to describe any thinkable or perceivable phenomenon.

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FORMWELT Applications


(Some blog entries are written in English, some in German.)

Die Relevanz der Formwelt/Weltform-Forschung für Organisationsdesign und politische und Unternehmensberatung

Die meisten Organisationsberater haben ihre Karriere sicherlich mit dem Wunsch begonnen dabei zu helfen, eine bessere Welt zu gestalten. Konformität mit den konservativen Prozessen unserer Welt im Hier und Jetzt zerstört jegliche Chance dieses Wunsches auf Erfüllung. Gesellschaft, Organisation und Individuum sind auf Reflexionsfähigkeit angewiesen, auf die Fähigkeit zu krit…  more ›

FORMWELT Online for a better future

Complex times need complex solutions and compex/versatile thinkers. They need a complex approach to science and transdisciplinary synergies between experts and layman in order to overcome some of today’s bottlenecks and to help with some of the global challenges and problems: …  more ›


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